In the spring, with the gentle wind, faculty and students of Guangya school happily greet the new semester.
2月15日,我们在光亚学校大礼堂隆重举行了新学期开学典礼暨百日誓师大会。On February 15th, we held the opening ceremony of the new semester and the 100-day oath in the hall of Guangya School.
大会第一项,升旗仪式The first item of the conference, the flag-raising ceremony.
大会第二项, 卿校长致辞The second item of the conference, President Qing's speech.
大会第三项, 中学部教师自我介绍The third item of the conference, secondary school teachers introduce themselves
九年级曾一栒同学带来舞蹈表演Zhen Yixun from 9th grade perform a dancing.
大会第四项, 百日誓师大会,家长代表上台发言The fourth item of the conference, the 100-day oath and the parents' representatives make speech on the stage.
大会第五项,教师代表上台发言The fifth item of the conference, teachers' representatives make speech on the stage.
大会第六项,学生代表上台发言The sixth item of the conference, students’ representatives make speech on the stage.
大会第七项,高三全体教师签订军令状The seventh item of the conference, teachers in senior three sign military writs.
大会第八项,2022-2023学年下期颁奖仪式The eighth item of the conference, the award ceremony of the second half of 2022-2023 academic year.
新学期,新气象!同学们,欢迎回到美丽的校园。让我们共同努力,在未来的学习中,不断进步,在新的学期收获累累硕果!New semester, new atmosphere! My dear students welcome back to the beautiful campus.In the new semester, let us work together and achieve more improvements.
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